Community Outreach

Community oUtreach

Ministry Contact Person Telephone
Sts. Peter and Paul Thrift Store (830) 629-3504
Rosary Guild Jill Peterek (210)-386-7136
Prison Ministry Ken Bates (830)-708-8000
SOS Food Bank Elizabet Barker 830-629-5015
The Gabriel Project Jan Moody 512-557-4019
Rachel's Journey Stephanie Stewart 214-724-0158
Helping Hands Christy Samarippa (830) 625-4531 Ext 217
Ministry for the Sick and Homebound Mary Jane Gagnon (830)-837-1290
Healing Ministry Of St Peter & St Paul Ministry Glenda Perez (830) 822-8335

Sts. Peter and Paul Thrift Store

Store hours
Wednesday thru Friday
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Come in and see what treasures await you! We are blessed to have Sts. Peter and Paul Thrift Store whose mission is to provide clothing and household goods to the New Braunfels community at a reasonable price. Profit from sales benefits the children of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Parish and School.

Donations are being accepted at the donation door on Monday- Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The Thrift Store is always in need of assistance, and you can assist the Thrift Store in so many ways!

The Thrift Store always needs and welcomes volunteers. Men, women—young and old—are all welcome to come serve Christ's family. To ensure consistency in its operation, training is provided and volunteers are asked to assist on a regular basis. Tasks vary from sorting and preparing items for sale to repairing items or appraising the value of specialized items.

If you can assist with these special needs, or if you would like more information about how you can assist this active parish ministry, please contact  (830) 629-3504.

The Rosary Guild

The Rosary Guild is a dedicated group of parishioners who meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month from 12:00 PM- 2:30 PM upstairs in the Parish Center. The purpose of the group is to make free cord rosaries to those in need.

The rosaries are distributed to those attending retreats, to the sick, to homebound and nursing home residents, to the jail ministry, to the Adoration Chapel, to hospitals, and to missions throughout the world.

A special rosary-making task undertaken by the Rosary Guild is to make finger rosaries to be distributed by the Blessed Mothers as they go to homes to welcome new children of God in our parish.

Not only do they assist the blessed mothers, they also make rosaries that are distributed by The Gabriel Project ministry of our parish.

All rosary making is not done during the Rosary Guild meeting. Most members take the beads and cords home where they continue the ministry. All rosaries are brought back to the next meeting and all rosaries are blessed before distribution.

You would not believe how many rosaries this group distributes in a year! The number is in the thousands!

If you are an experieced rosary maker and have not yet joined them, now is the time to join. They also welcome your prayers for those receiving their rosaries. If you would like to make a monetary donation to assist them in their ministry, this would be most welcome.

If you are an inexperienced rosary maker and are hesitant to join them, the Rosary Guild members love to teach new members how to make rosaries!


For more information, contact Jill Peterek 210-386-7136

Prison Ministry

"Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are 
blessed by my father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the 
foundation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave me food, I 
was thirsty and you gave me to drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, 

naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me'
Matthew 25:34-36

Led by the Knights of Columbus, some members of the Catholic parishes in New Braunfels have united for this active Prison Ministry. These dedicated members of Christ's family make weekly visits to inmates in our jails and prisons to bring the word of God to them.
The men are visited Fridays at 8 p.m., and the women on Sundays.
Members of this ministry meet with all inmates, regardless of their religious affiliation, who are interested in learning more about God's love and mercy for them.

You can be a very important part of this ministry by remembering in your prayers all who are a part of this team and all inmates who are taking advantage of this opportunity to draw nearer to our Lord and follow His ways.

There are additional ways to be involved in this ministry. The team welcomes prayer cards, rosaries, and Bibles. All of these items are distributed to those who attend the services.

To learn more, contact Ken Bates 

The SOS Food Bank Ministry

Members of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church take an active role in feeding the hungry of our community by assisting at the SOS (Spirit of Sharing) Food Bank. 

This community food bank has been in existence since 1988 and is open from 1-4 on weekdays to provide food for those in need. 

Sts. Peter and Paul parishioners staff the SOS Food Bank the first Tuesday of each month and the second Thursday of each month.

Those who volunteer assist with tasks such as preparing items to be placed in the basic food bags distributed to each person served by the food bank, stocking the shelves, sorting donations, etc. It is a very fulfilling ministry and as you serve, you know that you are answering the Lord's call to feed the hungry.


Donations of food or money are always welcomed. A box is located near the elevator of the Parish Center to accept any non-perishable items you may want to donate.

To volunteer or for more information, please contact Elizabet Barker 830-629-5015

The Gabriel Project

The Sign of Life you will see as you enter our Seguin St. parking lot shows that we are active in the Gabriel Project!

This is an ecumenical movement of churches standing together in their willingness to offer assistance to women facing crisis pregnancies.

The goal of The Gabriel Project is to encourage the church to be a good samaritan to the woman faced with a crisis pregnancy. Our congregation has joined together to do this by welcoming and assisting the woman with love. Members of The Gabriel Project bring Jesus into her life and home through the care and concern shown by the church community.

This is a ministry that truly brings the hand and heart of Christ to women facing a crisis pregnancy.

To learn more about this ministry or to learn how you can help, contact Jan Moody (512) 557-4019

Rachel's Journey

Peace, Healing, Reconciliation
for those who suffer emotional and spiritual wounds from abortion


Rachel's Journey is our parish's confidential ministry to all who suffer the spiritual wounds of abortion.. Abortion can be one of the most traumatic experiences a person can have. Moreover, unresolved grief and guilt from abortion can interfere with God's loving plan for your life.

Rachel's Journey offers understanding, healing and peace through reconciliation with God through the Church with your child, with others, and even with yourself.

Rachel's Journey is for:

  • Anyone who has had an abortion
  • Those who helped someone else obtain an abortion or feel responsible in any way for an abortion, whether by pressure or lack of help
  • Fathers of aborted children and also the grandparents, family and friends affected by the abortion decision

Abortion has many effects which are often not recognized by our society, and which you may not have linked to the unresolved grief and guilt of abortion.

If you experience problems in the aftermath of abortion, you are not crazy and you are not alone. For questions or support please call our confidential line 830-481-3546. Please go to our webpage for more information

Healing is possible.

Helping Hands
Helping Hands Ministry helps feed, clothe and house the poor. To make contributions to this essential ministry or to enlist the aid of this ministry, contact  (830) 625-4531 .

Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
As Catholics, we all know the vital role of the Eucharist in our lives and how wonderful it is to receive the Lord as we attend Mass. There are, however, Cathoics in our community who are ill or are confined at homes, in the hospital, or in residential care facilities who cannot come to receive our Lord in their church. The members of the Ministry to the Sick and Homebound bring the Eucharist to these Catholics.

This is a ministry filled with joy for both the members of the ministry who have the honor of bringing the Eucharist to these special members of our faith commnity and for those who are blessed to have the Lord brought to them when they cannot come to Him.

All members of the Catholic community are invited to support this ministry.

One way in which this can be done is through prayer.

Will you please offer your prayers for them?

And the other way in which you can support this ministry is to

volunteer to assist with your physical presence. 

Any parishioner from any of the three Catholic parishes in New Braunfels

is invited to join ths ministry.

Not only are Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist needed, but we need those who are willing to lead the rosary (in English or in Spanish) and we need people who will assist in transporting residents from their rooms to the site of the service and back.

You know that God has no hands on Earth but yours. 

Will you offer yours?


If you know someone who is unable to come to receive Our Lord at Mass but who would like to, please contact Mary Jane Gagnon at 830-837-1290 so that she can arrange to have the Holy Eucharist brought to these members of our Catholic family.

For additional information


to volunteer to be a member of this ministry,

please contact

Mary Jane Gagnon

Healing Ministry of Sts Peter & Paul Ministry 
  This ministry was established to create a support group for cancer survivors and their caregivers. We have expanded to include all people with serious or chronic illnesses and their caregivers and loved ones It is a place where we can all come together to be encouraged and inspired as well as to encourage and inspire others.  Our meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the parish.
 Many of the people in this parish and our community have had, currently have, or will have to face a diagnosis of a serious illness or disability. We would like to offer encouragement and support to people who face these struggles.  You do not have to be Catholic to join this support group; it is a community outreach ministry.
  If you are a patient currently undergoing treatment, join us. We are in constant prayer on your behalf. We offer you encouragement, wisdom and a hand to hold onto. We’ve been in your shoes; we can be a light in the darkness for you.
 If you are a survivor, join us. We need your wisdom, compassion and experience to help others. It is said that God can take something bad and turn it into something beautiful. Take your experiences and turn them into something beautiful to give glory to God.
  If you are a caregiver or loved one for a patient, join us. We understand having a serious or chronic illness is an arduous journey and the patient does not take that journey alone. We want to encourage and support you as well.
 For more information contact Glenda Perez 830-822-8335 or email at  If you are interested in being a guest speaker at one of our meetings, please contact Magdalena.

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