Young Adults

Young Adults

Young Adults at Sts. Peter and Paul

You've probably heard the statistics before: young adults from every background are leaving the church in droves. Young adults aren't leaving for other churches, they are simply no longer attending church. But the question is why?

Sts. Peter and Paul is committed to engaging young adults. We try help them remain devoted long after they graduate high school and navigate their way through the ups and downs of young adulthood.

We have a weekly bible study that meets on Thursdsay evenings at 7PM in the Family Room in the foyer of the Church. Join us any week you can.

How We Help

We align our goals with that of the United States Council of Bishops and provide opportunities to connect young adults to Jesus Christ, the mission of the Church, and a community of their peers.

Connecting to Jesus

Everything we do is always focused on Christ. Through Bible studies, praise and worship, and the sacraments, we aid our young adults in developing a personal and lasting relationship with Christ.

Connecting to the mission of the Church

We view our young adults as our current leaders of the Church who can make the most immediate impact on our future. We plan on developing workshops that can further develop leadership skills. We also include young adults on our Teen ACTS teams, Confirmation Retreat teams, and Life Teen/Edge Core Teams to give them more opportunities to impact young people and further develop their relationships with Christ. They can also participate in our mission trip opportunities to put their faith into action.

Connecting to a community of their peers

While we love to have bible studies, praise and worship, and participate in the sacraments, we never forget to let loose and enjoy one another's company. We regularly schedule social outings that include a relaxing time of fellowship and food. We understand and believe that a strong community of support is more than essential in engaging young adults and keeping them connected to the life of the Church and ultimately, Jesus Christ.

Get Involved

If you are interested in being involved in our young adult events, please contact
Angela Schwab at


Meets weekly on Thursday evenings @ 7pm in the Family Room

*See calendar for any changes in the schedule that may occur *


Angela Schwab

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