The Sts. Peter & Paul Trust was established in 1975 to provide our Catholic School with a permanent source of income. Basic sources of income include contributions from individuals, alumni, memorials in memory of deceased loved ones, interest, and bequests through wills.
The Trust also accepts endowments and all types of property, including real property.
The Trust is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are fully tax deductible.
You may send contributions to :
Sts. Peter & Paul School Trust
P.O. Box 310809
New Braunfels, Texas, 78131-0809
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish and School are committed to developing our children as Christians rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church. We strive to prepare students for leadership in our diverse world by educating all dimensions of the whole person -- spiritual, emotional, moral, physical, and intellectual.
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