Service Ministries

Service Ministries

Service Organizations

Knights of Columbus Council 4183 - Dr. Robert Stewart 214-282-8681

Catholic Daughters of the Americas -Linda Hull  (830) 625-4615

Little Flowers - Laci-Leigh Jensen (830) 609-1606

Cub Scouts - Barbara Silva 210-843-1323

Boy Scouts - Barbara Silva 210-843-1323

St. Ann's Christian Mother's Society - Christine Ikels (830)-708-4170

Catholic Youth Organization - David Mesa (830) 832-6558

Catholics for Freedom of Religion - Donald Volz 830-625-4549

Heading 3

  • Knights of Columbus

    Council #4183

    Praise Be to God!

    This fraternal organization of Catholic men is founded upon the principles of Unity, Fraternity, Charity, and Patriotism.

    Members of Knights of Columbus Council #4183 are members of the three parishes in New Braunfels.


    New members are always welcome!

    This council supports Sts. Peter and Paul School and activities of the three local Catholic churches.

    Activities of the Knights include:

    • Presenting scholarships to Catholics graduating from area high schools
    • Supporting Little League
    • Supporting area Scout troops
    • Assisting with many parish functions
    • Providing financial assistance for the state program for the deaf and the hearing impaired
    • Preparing and delivering food baskets to His children in need at Christmas
    • Taking part in countless other spiritual and charitable activities


    Business meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month

    at the KC Hall on Landa Street.

    The New Braunfels Knights of Columbus Council 4183 sponsors a Pro-life Mass

    the fourth Wednesday of every month. 


    All are welcome!

    Pro-life Mass Schedule:

    We invite you to pray with us

    Prayer for Life

    O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, to you do we entrust the cause of life. 

    Look down, O Mother upon the vast numbers of babies not allowed to be born, of the poor whose lives are made difficult, of men and women who are victims of brutal violence, of the elderly and the sick killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy.

    Grant that all who believe in your Son may proclaim the Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time.

    Obtain for them the grace to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new, the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, in order to build, together with all people of good will, the civilization of truth and love, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life.  Amen

    Pope John Paul II

    Evangelium Vitae, 1995


    The Knights of Columbus Salute

    Our Police Officers

    Our Fire Fighters

    Our Paramedics


    We ask that you join us in praying the following prayer for their safety:

    A prayer for Police Officers,

    Fire Fighters and Paramedics

    Oh Father, Father of us all.

    I ask that you watch over those

    who have chosen to serve as police officers, fire fighters and paramedics.

    Although they are often placed in dangerous and difficult situations,

    they choose to help Your children in need.

    Bless them Father. 

    I ask for your protection for them

    and for you to grant them

    wisdom, strength and courage

    I also ask that you guide their daily decisions. protect them from all harm in the performance of their duties and return them safely to their families at the end of every shift.

    In your precious Son's name we pray.



    To learn about Council #4183 contact Dr. Robert Stewart at 214-282-8681 or go to their website.

    Be sure that you scroll down to read their newsletter and learn about the current events of our Knights.

  • Catholic Daughters of the Americas

    Established in 1974, our Catholic Daughters of the Americas organization sponsors various projects which enrich both the New Braunfels and our parish communities. Among the activities of this active parish organization are hosting an annual reception each May for area high school graduates, presenting hand-made stoles to all Baptism candidates, assisting as needed with special parish functions, and supporting many local charities. 

    They also host an annual style show and luncheon to support their scholarship fund which annually presents scholarships to selected graduating seniors from each of the area high schools. 

    Meetings are held on the third Tuesday from September through May at 7 p.m. in the Family Room. All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

  • Little Flowers

    Little Flowers is a Catholic girls club that studies virtues from Scripture, The Lives of  the Saints, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

    As each virtue is studied, the girls earn badges which are proudly worn on a sash. 

    They meet on Tuesdays at 4:00 in the Family Room as they join to strengthen their Catholic faith. One core virtue is the focus of each week, a selected saint is studied  each month and a related craft project is completed. The girls join in fun, fellowship and faith to draw closer to God.

    The parent handbook, which is a guide for Little Flowers, follows a 4-year cycle with each group studying 7-10 virtues per year.

    One group is entering its 4th year of study and this group will study the Fruits of the Spirit:

    • Knowledge
    • Wisdom
    • Counsel
    • Understanding
    • Fear of the Lord
    • Fortitude
    • Piety

    Meetings last one hour. Most of the learning takes place at home as the girls complete their  study with their parents.

    All young girls 5-15 years of age are invited to become members of Little Flowers!

    New groups are formed according to the interest expressed by parishioners, so if you'd like your daughter to be a member of our Little Flowers, contact Laci-Leigh Jensen (830) 609-1606.

  • Cub Scouts

    Pack 163 (Boys) and Pack 363( Girls)

    The Cub Scout program is designed for all youth in kinder through 5th grades (5 to 10 years old). Cub Scouts encourages development of character and spiritual growth and it is fun for the whole family. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life. Each grade level group has a set of accomplishments to meet in order to earn badges. The Cub Scouts strive hard to achieve their badges and are very proud of their accomplishments. One special event held in the spring that all Cubs take part in is the Pinewood Derby.  Each Cub Scout designs and creates a pinewood car and races it in the local Pinewood Derby.  It's quite an exciting competition!

    Pack 163 (Boys) -  Cubmaster

    Pack 363 (Girls) -  Cubmaster

  • Scouts BSA

    Troop 163 (Boys), Troop 363 (Girls)

    Scouts BSA (formerly known as the Boy Scout program) is a year-round program for boys and girls 11-17 years old that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become the best version of themselves. For the first time in its 100+ year history, the iconic program of the Boy Scouts of America is open to young women as well as young men, all of whom will have the chance to earn Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. In Scouts BSA, young men and women go places, challenge themselves and have one-of-a-kind adventures that can’t be found anywhere else. These are very active and growing troops with more than 60 scouts. We always welcome other youth interested in becoming scouts. Both troops meet in the Knights of Columbus Clubhouse 111 Landa St.

    Troop 163 (Boys) meets on Sundays from 3:30 to 5:00 pm    


    Troop 363 (Girls) meets on Sundays from 2:00 to 3:30 pm       


  • Venturing

    Crew 163 (co-ed)

    Venturing is for boys and girls who are 14-21 years old. You love exploring your passions, making new friends, and discovering the world. You’re always looking for an adventure— rappelling a cliff, perfecting your shot, designing a robot, kayaking into the sunset, exploring your faith, volunteering at an animal shelter—the choice is yours! Each activity provides an opportunity to shine and learn more about yourself and the world around you. Venturing is youth-led and youth-inspired. You’ll acquire life skills and gain experiences that will prove to be valuable regardless of where your future takes you—leadership, event-planning, organization, communication, responsibility, the list goes on—all while having a blast!


    Contact us at

    To learn more about scouting in general, go to The Boy Scouts of America website.

    To learn more about scouting in the San Antonio area, go to their website.

  • C.Y.O.

    (Catholic Youth Organization)

    C.Y.O. is the organization to join if you enjoy sports and are between the ages of 4 -17. It offers healthy competition in volleyball, track and basketball. Children of any religion in the community are encouraged to join. C.Y.O. is sponsored by this parish and governed by the Chancery of San Antonio. Teams play against other C.Y.O. teams from the northeast area of San Antonio.

    Adult volunteers are crucial to the success of the program,

    and if God has given you athletic talent,

    consider volunteering your time to this ministry.

    You can serve the Lord as you help His children develop their athletic talents in a Christian environment. Quite a good deal!

    We need young people to participate in this program so if you are a child, or if you are the parent of a child, you are invited to become part of our C.Y.O.  We anxiously wait for your arrival!


    To get more information, contact David Mesa (830) 832-6558

  • St. Ann's Christian Mothers Altar Society

    Members of St. Anne's Christian Mothers Altar Society (the Christian Mothers, as they are frequently called), join together to assist with many needs of the parish. The ladies of this organization provide for the needs of the church altar and all things associated with the sanctuary. This includes the linens, flowers and candles. Members assist with the liturgy and visit local nursing home residents. They have also accepted the role of collecting food from our parish to take to our community SOS Food Bank.  (The box to place any non-perishable items you would like to contribute is located between the stairwell and elevator near St. Mary's Hall.) In addition, when special parish events are taking place, you can be assured that the Christian Mothers are helping!  What a group of dedicated women!

    The Christian Mothers meet at noon on the third Thursday of each month, September through May, in St. Mary's Hall at Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church.

    For additional information, contact Christine Ikels 830-708-4170

  • Catholics for Freedom of Religion

    The Catholics for Freedom of Religion (CFFR) Ministry strives to educate parishioners and the New Braunfels community about the meaning and importance of the 1st Amendment and about historical and contemporary threats to freedom of religion in America.  CFFR strives to encourage and inspire all Catholics to advocate, promote and defend Catholic values in the public square.   We are answering the call of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI “for an engaged, articulate, and well-informed Catholic laity … with courage to counter a reductive secularism which would delegitimize the Church’s participation in public debate about the issues … determining the future of American society.”


    We sponsor educational programs, speakers, rallies, panel discussions, holy hours, parade participation, and other events.  We write and publish Op/Eds and Letters to the Editor in support of religious freedom and the Judeo-Christian values that inspired and guided America's Founding Fathers.  We provide materials that empower Christians to publicly exercise the religious liberty granted to us by our Creator and secured in the First Amendment. 


    We meet at 7pm on the third Thursday of each month in St. Mary's Hall.

    For more details and information, contact Don Volz (830) 625-4549

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