Health and Wellness Ministry

Health and Wellness Ministry


By sharing information, health guidelines and resources, the health & wellness ministry assists and encourages SPP parishioners to develop a sound knowledge base and well-being thru education and screening services. The health & wellness ministry believes in the holistic nature of health and believes that physical wellness is connected with spiritual and emotional well-being.


The Health & Wellness Ministry activities include but are not limited to:

  • Blood pressure & blood sugar screenings
  • Published health related articles in the parish bulletin, email, social media platforms
  • Develop & review emergency response guidelines for ushers, Eucharistic ministers, servers, choir members, and office personnel
  • Arrange & offer educational offerings by community healthcare providers and health systems
  • Annual Health Fair at SPP
  • SPP Running Club
  • FREE Monthly Fitness/Movement Classes from various “SPP wellness partners” in NB

Join the SPP Health & Wellness Ministry at our "Fall Into Wellness" 3-event series! See registration links below.


Coming Soon. Quick Tips for your health.


Coming Soon. Will contain pre-recorded exercise videos.

If you are a parishioner and a health & wellness professional or have a passion for health & wellness, please contact Joshua & Annamarie Hedman at or cell phone at 210-528-8278 to become part of our ministry planning committee. We’d love your help as we plan future events

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