Parishioner Outreach

Parishioner Outreach

Reaching Our Parishioners

Members of our parish family have many needs.

It is the mission of Sts. Peter and Paul parishioners to unite and assist those needing help. 

Michelle Lawrence


Gardening Angels
Carolynn Levine (830)-221-8818

Ministry of the Sick and Homebound
Mary Jane Gagnon (830)-837-1290

God's Healing Love
Lee Ambrosino (210)-865-1801

Life After Loss
Darlene Acker (210)-313-4818

Bereavement Ministry

Sts. Peter and Paul parish realizes that the death of a loved one is a very challenging time. Members of the Bereavement Committee unite in assisting the family during this time of need.

Volunteers respond immediately when notified of a death and are willing to provide assistance with the funeral reception or any other arrangements, if requested.

Our Bereavement Committee coordinates with the family to ensure that food is prepared and is ready to be served to the family and guests following a funeral.

Some members of this ministry assist with the preparation of baked goods or sandwiches at home, while others come to the parish and set up facilities for the reception and serve those who attend.


Follow-up calls may be made to family members for several months following a death.

If you need the services of this ministry or if you would like to volunteer to join this ministry contact Michelle Lawrence, 830-660-6004

The Gardening Angels 

Our Gardening Angels are parishioners who love to be in God's outdoors and who enjoy caring for His plants. Our parish grounds are divided into areas, and each of the members has an area to maintain. Each Angel develops his or her own schedule for care of the grounds, based upon personal time available and the needs of the area. 

If you enjoy gardening, and if you would like the satisfaction of seeing that you are making His grounds a more welcoming place for His children, perhaps you would like to join this ministry. 

What a way to say "Thank you, Lord, for our beautiful world."

God’s Healing Love
A Grief Support Ministry

God's Healing Love offers comfort to families and individuals who have experienced the death of a loved one. Volunteers strive to be a source of God’s Love, Care and Support through personal contact to those experiencing grief.

Contact Lee Ambrosino 210-865-1801.

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