High School Ministry

Life Teen

Join us Sunday Nights

Our high school youth ministry program has one goal - for students to experience God's presence in their life and show them that God is real. We use adapted Life Teen curriculum for these evenings.

Join on Sunday Evenings, 6:30-8:45pm

Open to 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th grades
St. Mary's Hall (9th Grade)
St. Anne's Hall (10th grade)
Family Room (11th & 12th Grades)
*Food is served from 6:30pm-7:15pm with programming to follow

See you at Mass on Sunday's @ 5:30pm

Mass on Sunday evenings are facilitated (Lectors, EMEs, Music, Altar servers and Ushers) by our high school ministry students. Students are required to attend as part of their attendance. Youth and their parents are encouraged to attend this Mass and join us for Life Teen afterwards.

2024-2025 Registration

Link to register

Send us an email! 

The Core Team serves as mentor, minister, teacher and spiritual director for these young high school students.  What high school youth experience from the time they arrive until the time they leave is relational ministry.  Core Team is about caring for each high school youth we meet.  Each Core Member as his/her life rooted in prayer and desires to serve the high school youth.

Core Members are essential to the spiritual success of the Lifeteen and Chosen. If you have a love for Christ and young people, we want you!  We are looking for people of all ages: from Confirmed Teens to Grandparents.  You can make a difference in the lives of these young people. Contact Shelby Fredrickson: shelbyfredrickson@sppnb.org

830-625-4531 ext 243

Sacramental Preparation
Youth that would like to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, or Communion have the opportunity to participate in our two year sacramental preparation classes.  Please contact Brenda Gualandri for more information.  We look forward to working with you!

Brenda Gualandri- 10th-12th grade

Shelby Fredrickson- 9th grade


Angela Schwab- Middle School


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